Behind the Impact Numbers

On ground reflections, captivating field stories, and the changing nature of impact from the lens of the people making it all possible.

The Union Budget of India 2025-26: What It Means for Businesses and their Workers

Team GBL

Bridging The Payday Gap: How Access To Earned Wages Can Impact Workers’ Financial Stress, Earnings And Productivity

Team GBL

Between Aspirations and Realities

Avdhoot Bharati & Deborah Charles

Is the future of work, flexible for women?

Nihira Ram

Better Economics: The Case for Better Working Conditions

Satyavrat KK

​​Small Investment in Soft Skills, Big Returns for Productivity

Mansi Kabra

Liquidity Crunch and Flexi-Salary: Workplace Financial Intervention for Female Garment Workers in India

Apoorv Somanchi, Simranjeet Dhir and Sowmya Dhanaraj

From our first to the latest — an academic journey of understanding soft skills

Achyuta Adhvaryu

Field Diaries: Lessons from a trip to Bagalkot

Mansi Kabra